0314 swimlanes business process layout
A simple but informative slide template is easy to comprehend and also easy to decipher. Our 0314 swimlanes business process layout is one such example. The provided swimlane PPT presentation template is also referred as Rummler-Brache PowerPoint presentation model and is used to enhance the efficiency of the business process. This cross functional PowerPoint slide design visual is different from a normal flowchart in a manner that in this swimlanes PPT presentation infographic every employee and every department involved in the process is given a distinguished identity. Their roles and responsibilities can be easily tracked and rectified if needed. So simply click on the download link provided here below and save it in desired format for further step of customization and presentation. Similar to the base approach of flowchart this swimlane business process flowchart PowerPoint slide example tracks the activities from beginning to end and also divides these activities in varied columns. Single presentations can make or break an idea. Make your presentations count with our 0314 Swimlanes Business Process Layout design behind them.
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