Cabify investor funding elevator pitch deck ppt template
Cabify is a transportation app that allows you to move about the city in private cars with a driver while maintaining the highest quality of service and safety regulations. It is a Spanish ride sharing startup that offers vehicles for hire through its smartphone app. Here is a professionally designed pitch deck on Cabify Investor Funding that presents you with a summary of Cabifys mobility problem that exists on a global scale, how Cabify solves that problem, what Cabify has done so far, and traction details of Cabify. Also, this template provides details about the future opportunity of Cabify, its future expansion plans, the product team structure, and the business team structure of Cabify. Additionally, this pitch deck provides information on key risks involved in Cabify operations and their mitigation strategies, the regulatory guidelines, web interface details of the app and its fleet interface for enhanced driver management. Investors get to acknowledge fundamental facts, stats, and infographics that will show them how your product aligns with your firms goals and the mitigation actions for overcoming the threats arising in the global market. Book a free demo with our experts and get guidance on customizing our 100 percent editable pitch deck based on your business needs. Download the deck now.
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PowerPoint presentation slides
This in-depth and intuitively designed Cabify Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template. It is a resourceful tool for every organization. Use it to showcase your services and present a strategic outlay of your business activities. This complete deck helps give a quick overview of the companys viability. It also targets various topics of interest, thus being a comprehensive tool that you can download and use. Take advantage of this PowerPoint pitch deck to discuss your business plans and vision in an impressive manner. You can also use this deck to give a quick demonstration of your product and its USP that can be shared on Google Slides or PowerPoint. This complete deck comes in an editable format and two aspects ratios, thus increasing its applicability and visibility. It also acts as a visual reinforcer to make your presence felt in the industry.
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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation
Slide 1: This slide displays title i.e. 'Cabify Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck'.
Slide 2: This slide presents table of contents.
Slide 3: This slide exhbits the mobility problem that is faced by the riders.
Slide 4: This slide explains mobility problem that is persistent on a global scale.
Slide 5: This slide depicts continued content.
Slide 6: This slide shows how Cabify will solve the urban mobility problem on an international scale.
Slide 7: This slide shows what Cabify has achieved so far in terms of launching an app for smartphone and pc.
Slide 8: The slide displays traction details of Cabify in terms of increase in gross revenues of Madrid, increase in percentage of active users per month etc.
Slide 9: This slide exhibits future opportunities that are available with Cabify in terms of higher market size.
Slide 10: The slide explains future expansion plans of Cabify that it aims to achieve in terms of creating a footprint in Latin America, etc.
Slide 11: This slide shows the product team structure of Cabify that provides information about CTO, CEO and business team members.
Slide 12: This slide shows the business team structure of Cabify that provides information about team members across regions, etc.
Slide 13: This slide shows the executive team structure of Cabify that provides detailed information, prior experience, etc.
Slide 14: This slide explains general team members of Cabify which are present in product team and business team.
Slide 15: This slide exhibits key risks that are related to Cabify operations, degree of risks criticality, etc.
Slide 16: This slide shows factors that can get Cabify in trouble with the regulators and the activities that can offer support from the regulators.
Slide 17: This slide explains product strategy of Cabify that aligns with business by targeting both corporate clients and general customers.
Slide 18: This slide displays application screenshots of Cabify showing certain features such as ride cost estimation, time estimation etc.
Slide 19: This slide presents web interface details of Cabify that shows how the vehicles cab be requested by offices or hotels.
Slide 20: This slide shows fleet interface of Cabify for proper and enhanced driver management with details on all completed journeys, real time GPS, etc.
Slide 21: This is the icons slide.
Slide 22: This slide presents title for additional slides.
Slide 23: This slide exhibits yearly sales clusterd column charts for different products. The charts are linked to Excel.
Slide 24: This slide depicts yearly profits stacked line charts for different products. The charts are linked to Excel.
Slide 25: This slide shows about your company, target audience and its client's values.
Slide 26: This slide presents your company's vision, mission and goals.
Slide 27: This slide shows roadmap.
Slide 28: This slide exhibits yearly timeline.
Slide 29: This slide showcases financials.
Slide 30: This slide depicts ideas generated.
Slide 31: This slide displays Venn.
Slide 32: This slide depicts posts for past experiences of clients.
Slide 33: This is thank you slide & contains contact details of company like office address, phone no., etc.
Cabify investor funding elevator pitch deck ppt template with all 33 slides:
Use our Cabify Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.
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