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Dashboard To Monitor Production Preventive Maintenance Approach To Reduce Plant


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This slide represents the dashboard to monitor production plant efficiency for the multiple shifts. The multiple KPIs covered in dashboard are availability, performance of manufacturing plant machines. It also provides information regarding the total downtime along with good parts yield.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Dashboard To Monitor Production Preventive Maintenance Approach To Reduce Plant. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Plan Performance, Total Downtime, Defective Parts using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

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    by Daniel Mcdonald

    Slideteam offers pocket-friendly products. As a college student this is a really necessary thing to look at while paying for something.
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    by Robert Young

    Great combination of visuals and information. Glad I purchased your subscription.

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