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Guide For International Marketing Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides MKT CD


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces Guide for International Marketing Management. Commence by stating Your Company Name.
Slide 2: This slide depicts the Agenda of the presentation.
Slide 3: This slide incorporates the Table Of Contents.
Slide 4: This is yet another slide continuing the Table Of Contents.
Slide 5: This slide highlights the Title for the Topics to be covered further.
Slide 6: This slide represents summary for international marketing along with its characteristics and advantages.
Slide 7: This slide exhibits the Major trends associated with international marketing.
Slide 8: This slide focuses on the Major future predictions for international marketing.
Slide 9: This slide states the Major fundamentals for building international marketing strategies.
Slide 10: This slide represents key characteristics for international marketing that are faced by organizations entering into global market.
Slide 11: This slide reveals the Major participants involved in international marketing.
Slide 12: This slide showcases the Major risks faced by companies during global marketing.
Slide 13: This slide shows the comparative analysis for global and international marketing that helps marketers to develop plans and strategies.
Slide 14: This slide mentions the Heading for the Contents to be discussed further.
Slide 15: This slide indicates the Timeline showcasing international marketing plan.
Slide 16: This slide represents first step in international marketing plan i.e. performing marketing assessment & evaluation to find its potential and effectiveness.
Slide 17: This slide elucidates the first step in international marketing plan i.e. performing marketing assessment & evaluation to find its potential.
Slide 18: This slide includes the second step in international marketing plan i.e. setting smart goals to be attained by marketing team and organization.
Slide 19: This slide contains the third step in international marketing plan i.e. development of localization strategies by the organization in order to target potential customers.
Slide 20: This slide reveals the checklist containing key techniques and tactics for building and delivering effective product description. It covers target potential customer, address pain points etc.
Slide 21: This slide indicates the key advertising materials used by organizations during international marketing with the aim to target potential audience and enhance engagement.
Slide 22: This slide elucidates the selection of marketing software by marketers for global advertisements.
Slide 23: This slide mentions the Title for the Ideas to be discussed further.
Slide 24: This slide states the five types of major global marketing adopted by marketers with the purpose to enter international market.
Slide 25: This slide incorporates the Heading for the Ideas to be covered in the following template.
Slide 26: This slide highlights the Steps for building exporting strategic plan.
Slide 27: This slide talks about the Major risks involved during export with mitigation strategies.
Slide 28: This slide represents major documents required by exporters for shipment of goods and services.
Slide 29: This slide covers the International b2b marketing strategies for exporters.
Slide 30: This slide showcases the Checklist for tracking exporting process status.
Slide 31: This slide lists the Major types of exporting approaches for trading.
Slide 32: This slide mentions the Title for the Components to be covered in the upcoming template.
Slide 33: This slide presents the major reasons for which export ventures license the products before entering in global market.
Slide 34: This slide portrays brand licensing strategy used by marketers with aim to enter international market and target potential audience.
Slide 35: This slide depicts the copyright licensing agreement used by export venture firms for transferring the rights.
Slide 36: This slide shows the 4 step process for patent licensing strategy.
Slide 37: This slide includes the Heading for the Topics to be discussed in the following template.
Slide 38: This slide deals with the Franchise operating business model structure.
Slide 39: This slide displays the Key fundamentals that impact franchise operations.
Slide 40: This slide mentions the Major types of franchisees in global market.
Slide 41: This slide talks about the Franchise agreement contract with key fundamental provisions.
Slide 42: This slide indicates the Title for the Topics to be covered next.
Slide 43: This slide illustrates the Joint venture service model diagram.
Slide 44: This slide elucidates the Joint venture business model structure.
Slide 45: This slide incorporates the Major types of joint venture businesses.
Slide 47: This slide focuses on the Key methods for foreign direct investment to enter foreign market.
Slide 48: This slide presents the Major factors affecting foreign direct investors.
Slide 49: This slide indicates the Heading for the Contents to be covered in the forth-coming template.
Slide 50: This slide represents marketing campaign action plan to enter global market and attract potential audience.
Slide 51: This slide focuses on the Product promotion campaign to enhance brand visibility.
Slide 52: This slide elucidates the Title for the Ideas to be covered next.
Slide 53: This slide exhibits the Roles and responsibilities of international marketing team.
Slide 54: This slide portrays the Training program plan for online marketing team.
Slide 55: This slide depicts the Heading for the Contents discussed in the upcoming template.
Slide 56: This slide talks about the Impact of international marketing strategy post implementation.
Slide 57: This slide reveals the impact of global marketing strategies on organization growth.
Slide 58: This slide displays the Title for the Components to be discussed next.
Slide 59: This slide represents use case for Toyota with the aim for global market expansion.
Slide 60: This slide showcases the use case for Loreal with the aim to cater international customers.
Slide 61: This is the Icons slide containing all the Icons used in the plan.
Slide 62: This slide is used for depicting Additional information.
Slide 63: This slide is used for the purpose of Comparison.
Slide 64: This is Our target slide. State your comapny targets here.
Slide 65: This slide presents the organization's vision, mission, and values.
Slide 66: This is Our team slide. State the information related to your team members here.
Slide 67: This slide contains the Post it notes for reminders and deadlines.
Slide 68: This is the Idea generation slide for encouraging innovative ideas.
Slide 69: This slide elucidates the SWOT analysis.
Slide 70: This is the Puzzle slide with related imagery.
Slide 71: This is the Venn diagram slide.
Slide 72: This is the 30 60 90 Days plan slide for efficient planning.
Slide 73: This slide reveals the Mind map of the firm.
Slide 74: This is the Thank You slide for acknowledgement.

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