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NGO Project Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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If your company needs to submit a NGO Project Proposal Powerpoint Presentation Slides look no further.Our researchers have analyzed thousands of proposals on this topic for effectiveness and conversion. Just download our template, add your company data and submit to your client for a positive response.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Consider this: You run an NGO and plan on starting an environmental project that focuses on promoting sustainable practices.  Raising awareness about the significance of protecting natural resources is another important objective. Your project aims to conduct educational workshops, organize clean-up events and implement recycling programs.

But, for this initiative to come to life you require a comprehensive and structured proposal in order to secure funding. A project proposal would highlight the strategies, and activities to be undertaken, recycling facilities, timeline of the project, budget that covers operational costs, equipment, etc.

In a nutshell, an NGO project proposal is the bedrock for securing funds, gathering stakeholder support and streamlining the implementation of the project. It highlights the company’s commitment to address an issue and capacity to execute the proposed solution. The proposal outlines the project objectives, methodologies and showcases the NGO’s experience and commitment to transparency.

These pre-designed PowerPoint Templates are 100% editable and customizable. They provide much-needed headstart for drafting the proposal. Let’s explore a few of the slides of the bundle!

Template 1: Project Statement and Rationale for NGO Project Proposal

This PPT Slide  forms the foundation of an NGO project proposal. It highlights the problem or the issue that is to be addressed and context to back the project’s relevance. The template  engages  stakeholders by clearly highlighting the purpose of the project that paves the way for funding.

Template 2: Project Objectives

The objective of the project guides it in the right direction. This template highlights  specific, measurable and achievable goals of the project. These objectives serve as milestones to monitor and evaluate progress.

Template 3: Key Activities

The mentioned slide showcases a table which highlights the activities of the NGO project. It highlights the survey for need and gap identification for the project on the basis of multiple parameters. These may include educational background, employment status, disability status certificate, social security and access to rights. They have been divided on the basis of age group.

Template 4: Key Activities

In continuation to the above mentioned slide, this PPT Slide  showcases details regarding the assessment program and vocational training. The information is showcased along with icons for better comprehension. 

Template 5:  Results for the NGO Project Proposal

This Template illustrates the anticipated short term and long term results of the project. Including this slide in the proposal is essential as it communicates the intended impact and outcome, positive changes and improvement that the project aims to achieve. This instills confidence in the potential investors and stakeholders, enabling effective monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Template 6: Your Investment

The presented slide highlights the total investment required by the investor for the project. It showcases a table with columns for activities, units, cost per unit and the total cost. The activities highlighted in this slide are personnel or labor cost, equipment and material cost, training cost, contracts, other costs and the total sum. 

Template 7: Funding Summary

A funding summary highlights the feasibility and successful execution of the NGO project. It provides a financial breakdown of resources to implement the activities and achieve the desired outcome. This slide illustrates a table with name, organization and its contribution. This facilitates realistic budgeting and resource planning ensuring that the project is  funded throughout its span.

Template 8: About Us

This slide provides an opportunity for the organization to showcase its experience and track record in addressing prevailing issues. It highlights the NGO’s mission and vision, core values and contact information like address, email id and contact number.

Template 9: Next Steps

The slide presents information about the  steps to be taken in order to take the project proposal forward. It highlights the changes required, acceptance of the proposal, submission of initial 50% of the payment, etc. There is a separate section in the slide for company name and signature and client name, address and signature.

Wrapping Up

An NGO constantly offers development proposals of multiple projects to donors for finances. Use this PPT Template bundle to get a structure for your proposal. It saves time and effort of drafting a presentation from scratch.

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    by Christoper Chavez

    Great quality slides in rapid time.
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    by Alexander Ramirez

    Excellent template with unique design.

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