
Promotion And Awareness Strategies To Generate Product Demand Powerpoint Presentation Slides


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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces the Promotion and Awareness Strategies to Generate Product Demand. Enter your Your Company Name and get started.
Slide 2: This slide showcases the Agenda of the presentation.
Slide 3: This slide is the Table of contents to be discussed in the next template.
Slide 4: This slide is another slide continuing the Table of Contents.
Slide 5: This slide shows the Title for the Topics to be covered in the forth-coming template.
Slide 6: This slide gives a brief introduction about the company with key details.
Slide 7: This slide elucidates the Major product categories and benefits offered by the Company.
Slide 8: This slide gives a glimpse about the the Major marketing challenges faced by the company.
Slide 9: This slide includes the Additional Challenges of the Product marketing department.
Slide 10: This slide displays the key objectives of Product promotion and awareness strategies.
Slide 11: This slide highlights the Title for the Topics to be covered in the next slide.
Slide 12: This slide shows the Product awareness challenges along with the statistical impact of low brand awareness on the company’s performance.
Slide 13: This slide depicts the Decline in company’s sales volume and value by using vertical Bar-Graphs.
Slide 14: The slides illustrates the Decline in new lead generation with the help of Bar-Graphs.
Slide 15: This slide states the Title for the Content to be covered in the forth-coming template.
Slide 16: This slide showcases the major objectives of the company in terms of product performance and the key initiatives that it needs to take for achieving its set targets.
Slide 17: This slide depicts the demand generation for the company’s product along with its benefits and the primary reasons behind the decline.
Slide 18: This slide highlights the Use of demand generation software.
Slide 19: This slide represents the six-month roadmap of the company’s demand generation strategy.
Slide 20: This slide illustrates the Demand Generation maturity model.
Slide 21: This slide showcases key drivers to measure the success rate of demand generation maturity.
Slide 22: This slide includes the Heading for the Topics to be discussed in the next template.
Slide 23: This slide reveals the details regarding the Inbound and Outbound marketing strategies.
Slide 24: This slide shows an overview of the Product promotion program.
Slide 25: This slide highlights the Customer referral program overview.
Slide 26: This slide depicts the Product awareness metrics to track the success of promotion programs.
Slide 27: This slide elucidates the Title for the Topics to be covered in the following slide.
Slide 28: This slide provides details about the Effective Marketing using the best practices of digital marketing.
Slide 29: The slides shows Strategies to convert leads into customer.
Slide 30: This slide gives information about the Customer acquisition strategies with cost involved.
Slide 31: This slide highlights the Heading for the Content to be discussed in the next template.
Slide 32: This slide displays the Selection procedure for a suitable tool for product promotion and awareness.
Slide 33: This slide represents the Various tools of product marketing communication.
Slide 34: This slide includes the Title for the Topics to be covered in the next slide.
Slide 35: This slide showcases Company’s promotional budget analysis.
Slide 36: This slide illustrates the Quarterly expenses of product promotion and awareness.
Slide 37: This slide presents the Comparison of budgeted and actual expenses.
Slide 38: This slide reveals the Acquisition cost per customer.
Slide 39: This slide states the Heading for the Content to be covered in the following slide.
Slide 40: This slide elucidates the Top priorities and initiatives under product marketing.
Slide 41: This slide incorporates the Initiative to build awareness - manage and enable SDRs.
Slide 42: This slide shows Initiative to build awareness under the Content strategy.
Slide 43: This slide depicts the Initiative to build awareness and generate high-quality leads.
Slide 44: This slide highlights the Initiative to build awareness - nurture and accelerate leads.
Slide 45: This slide Shows the Title for the Topics to be covered in the next template.
Slide 46: This slide displays the Product demand and sales volume forecast for next five years.
Slide 47: This slide showcases the Positive impact of promotional and awareness strategies on the Company.
Slide 48: This slide is the Company’s financial comparison - before and after implementation of promotional strategies.
Slide 49: This slide reveals the Heading to the Topics to be discussed in the forth-coming template.
Slide 50: This slide elucidates the Marketing performance dashboard with advertisement cost details using different statistical tools.
Slide 51: This slide gives information about the Major goals of social media marketing with the help of horizontal Bar-Graphs.
Slide 52: This is the Icons slide including all the Icons used in the presentation.
Slide 53: This slide is titled as the Additional slides for depicting some extra information.
Slide 54: This is the About us slide. State your Company information here.
Slide 55: This is Our Mission slide. Write your Company's Vision, Long-term goals and mission here.
Slide 56: This slide is Our team for providing information about the Company's team members.
Slide 57: This slide is the 30 60 90 days plan for effecient plannig.
Slide 58: This slide showcases the Column chart for revealing some typical information related to the Company.
Slide 59: This is the Timeline slide with related imagery.
Slide 60: This slide includes the Venn Diagram for revealing some related information.
Slide 61: This is the Thank You slide for acknowledgement.

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