
Search Engines Users Market Share Working Crawling Indexing Ranking Edu Ppt


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Presenting Search Engines Users, Market Share, Working, Crawling, Indexing, Ranking. This slide is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts, and every slide consists of an appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Not just this, you can also make the required changes in the charts and graphs. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content, and present it with confidence.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1

This slide provides information regarding the definition of a search engine. It also highlights the popular search engines such as Google, Baidu, Yandex, etc., across the world.

Instructor's Notes:

Search engine is used:

  • To seek information about a wide variety of topics
  • To check the ranking of the business website in search results
  • To check the efficiency of digital marketing strategies deployed

Slide 2

This slide graphically provides information regarding the userbase of multiple search engines such as Google, Baidu, Yandex, etc.

Slide 3

The slide visually provides the information regarding the market share of multiple search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, and Yandex.

Slide 4

This slide provides information regarding the search engine working process. The three major steps discussed are crawling, indexing, and ranking.

Instructor's Notes:

Search Engine Working:

Step 1: Crawling

  • Search engines send out web crawlers, also known as bots or spiders, to analyze website content
  • Crawlers specifically look for new websites and content changes in existing websites
  • They check data such as URLs, sitemaps, and code to discover the types of content displayed on the website

Step 2: Indexing

  • Once website crawling is complete, the search engines understand and sort the content of the websites
  • This sorted data is then stored on the servers around the world so that users can access these pages almost instantaneously when searching

Step 3: Ranking

  • Once a user enters a keyword in a search box, search engine checks for pages within their index that are the closest match
  • Also, a score is assigned to these pages based on an algorithm that consists of hundreds of different ranking parameters
  • Eventually, in the search result, the websites, images, and videos are displayed in order of score

Slide 5

The slide showcases the framework to illustrate the working of a search engine. It also contains details of the framework's major components that are crawler/spider, indexer, and ranking algorithm.

Additional Slide 1

This slide contains icons related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The slide uses the same color theme and similar design elements as the main deck.

Additional Slide 2

This slide can be edited to provide information about one's organization. The slide uses the same color theme and similar design elements as the main deck.

Additional Slide 3

This editable slide can be used to share the organization's vision, mission, and goals. The slide uses the same color theme and similar design elements as the main deck.

Additional Slide 4

This slide can be edited to provide information about the organization's core team. The slide uses the same color theme and similar design elements as the main deck.

Additional Slide 5

This slide can be used to present multiple discussion ideas to the stakeholders concerned.

Additional Slide 6

This slide contains an editable 30-60-90-day plan to suit the presenter's needs.

Additional Slide 7

This slide contains a timeline to showcase multiple milestones of the organization.

Additional Slide 8

This slide contains a roadmap template for effective strategic planning. The slide uses the same color theme and similar design elements as the main deck.

Additional Slide 9

This fully editable training certificate template can be presented to attendees post the successful completion of training.

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