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Kritika Saini

148 posts
Nov 23 2020

It's not just about being better. It's about being different. Let's give people a reason to choose your business.

  1. Os 10 principais modelos Flywheel para moderar flutuações em fluxos de trabalho

    Os 10 principais modelos Flywheel para moderar flutuações em fluxos de trabalho

    Em 2001, por meio de seu livro “Good to Great”, Jim Collin pediu a todos que imaginassem girar um disco de metal de 5.000 libras montado em um eixo central. Ele explicou como a cada pequeno empurrão, a enorme roda começava a girar lentamente. E depois de um esforço contínuo de uma hora, a roda […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini December 6 2021
  2. Top 10 des modèles de volant d'inertie pour modérer les fluctuations des flux de travail

    Top 10 des modèles de volant d'inertie pour modérer les fluctuations des flux de travail

    En 2001, à travers son livre « Good to Great », Jim Collin a demandé à chacun d'imaginer tourner un disque de métal de 5000 livres monté sur un axe central. Il a expliqué qu'à chaque petite poussée, la roue massive commençait à tourner lentement. Et après un effort continu d'une heure, la roue tournerait […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini December 6 2021
  3. Top 10 Service Contract PowerPoint Templates to Outline the Terms of a Working Arrangement

    Top 10 Service Contract PowerPoint Templates to Outline the Terms of a Working Arrangement

    NASA lost $125 million to a service contract with Lockheed Martin Astronautics Corporation. This loss happened due to the mistranslation of the Mars Climate Orbiter by the spacecraft inventors at NASA.    The aeronautical engineers at Lockheed provided the crucial acceleration data in the English measure of pound-seconds, originally required in the force measure, called […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 22 2021
  4. Top 20 Video Marketing PowerPoint Templates to Boost Engagement

    Top 20 Video Marketing PowerPoint Templates to Boost Engagement

    Suppose your company has a complex idea behind your product or service.    How do you plan to deliver it to a broad audience? Here, only textual content might not be self-explanatory, and audio might lack a captivating representation.   These methods can lead to a whopping loss of audience, who are not willing to […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 17 2021
  5. Las 10 mejores plantillas de volante para moderar las fluctuaciones en los flujos de trabajo

    Las 10 mejores plantillas de volante para moderar las fluctuaciones en los flujos de trabajo

    En 2001, a través de su libro “Good to Great”, Jim Collin pidió a todos que se imaginaran girando un disco de metal de 5000 libras montado en un eje central. Explicó cómo con cada pequeño empujón, la enorme rueda comenzaría a girar lentamente. Y después de un esfuerzo continuo de una hora, la rueda […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 16 2021
  6. Top 10 Schwungrad-Vorlagen, um Schwankungen in Arbeitsabläufen zu mildern

    Top 10 Schwungrad-Vorlagen, um Schwankungen in Arbeitsabläufen zu mildern

    Im Jahr 2001 forderte Jim Collin in seinem Buch „Good to Great“ alle auf, sich vorzustellen, eine 5000 Pfund schwere Metallscheibe zu drehen, die auf einer zentralen Achse montiert ist. Er erklärte, wie sich das massive Rad bei jedem kleinen Stoß langsam zu drehen begann. Und nach einer kontinuierlichen Anstrengung von einer Stunde würde sich […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 16 2021
  7. Top 10 Astronomy PowerPoint Templates to Study the Cosmos 

    Top 10 Astronomy PowerPoint Templates to Study the Cosmos 

    Since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, humans have been looking into the sky to navigate vast oceans, decide when to plant crops, and know from where, when, and how their race originated.    But in 1514, a revolution was triggered when the astronomer/scientist Copernicus claimed that Earth was not the center of the […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 11 2021
  8. Os 10 principais modelos de orçamento de crowdfunding para construir confiança com possíveis apoiadores

    Os 10 principais modelos de orçamento de crowdfunding para construir confiança com possíveis apoiadores

    Palmer Luckey, o fundador da Oculus Rift, iniciou uma campanha de crowdfunding para desenvolver o fone de ouvido VR em 2012. Quatro horas após a campanha do Kickstarter, ele atingiu a meta com mais de 9.500 patrocinadores arrecadando US $ 2,4 + milhões. Esta foi uma das maiores histórias de crowdfunding da época.   Mais […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 9 2021
  9. Top 10 des modèles de budget de financement participatif pour établir la confiance avec les bailleurs de fonds potentiels

    Top 10 des modèles de budget de financement participatif pour établir la confiance avec les bailleurs de fonds potentiels

    Palmer Luckey, le fondateur d'Oculus Rift, a lancé une campagne de financement participatif pour développer le casque VR en 2012. Dans les quatre heures qui ont suivi la campagne Kickstarter, il a atteint l'objectif avec plus de 9 500 contributeurs collectant plus de 2,4 millions de dollars. C'était l'une des plus grandes histoires de financement […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 9 2021
  10. Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to Plan for Workflow Automation

    Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to Plan for Workflow Automation

    In 1871, when computers were the size of trucks, futurists predicted – our world would become so automated that humans would get freed from the struggles of office and manual labor. Though it is yet to happen, from the early 1990s, we have entered an era of workflow automation.    Digitization and work-from-home opportunities have […]
    Kritika Saini Kritika Saini November 9 2021

Items 31 to 40 of 148 total