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Nidhi Malhotra

43 posts
Jan 07 2021
  1. Top 10 HR-Einführungsvorlagen für das erfolgreiche Onboarding neuer Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen

    Top 10 HR-Einführungsvorlagen für das erfolgreiche Onboarding neuer Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen

    Daten deuten darauf hin, dass 30 % der Neueinstellungen innerhalb der ersten sechs Monate ihren Arbeitsplatz aufgeben.   Neben anderen Gründen kann eine feindselige oder schwierige Onboarding-Erfahrung der Hauptgrund für diese schlechte Mitarbeiterbindung sein. Wenn ein neuer Mitarbeiter in Ihr Unternehmen eintritt, ist es wichtig sicherzustellen, dass er sich im Team einlebt und sich vom Arbeitgeber […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 27 2021
  2. Top 10 des modèles d'intégration RH pour intégrer avec succès les nouveaux employés dans l'entreprise

    Top 10 des modèles d'intégration RH pour intégrer avec succès les nouveaux employés dans l'entreprise

    Les données suggèrent que 30 pour cent des nouvelles recrues quittent leur emploi dans les six premiers mois.   Avec d'autres raisons, une expérience d'intégration hostile ou difficile peut être le principal facteur contribuant à ce faible taux de rétention des employés. Lorsqu'un nouvel employé rejoint votre entreprise, il est essentiel de s'assurer qu'il s'installe dans l'équipe et qu'il […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 28 2021
  3. Os 10 principais modelos de indução de RH para a integração de novos funcionários na empresa com sucesso

    Os 10 principais modelos de indução de RH para a integração de novos funcionários na empresa com sucesso

    Os dados sugerem que 30% dos novos contratados deixam o emprego nos primeiros seis meses.   Junto com outros motivos, uma experiência hostil ou difícil de integração pode ser o principal fator que contribui para essa baixa taxa de retenção de funcionários. Quando um novo funcionário ingressa na sua empresa, é essencial garantir que ele se instale na equipe […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 27 2021
  4. Top 21 Solar Energy Templates to Help You Deploy Power-Efficient Systems

    Top 21 Solar Energy Templates to Help You Deploy Power-Efficient Systems

    Commercial buildings are the largest consumers of energy in the world by a considerable margin. Many companies spend millions of dollars on energy every year. This is costly, of course, but is also a grave environmental concern. Data reveals that commercial buildings in the US consume 13.6 quads of electricity (35 percent of electricity consumed […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra December 5 2023
  5. 15+ Must-have PowerPoint Templates for Fostering Cultural Intelligence in the Workplace

    15+ Must-have PowerPoint Templates for Fostering Cultural Intelligence in the Workplace

    "Culturally intelligent innovation begins with changing our impulse from Why can't you see it like I do? to Help me see what I might be missing!" -David Livermore   In a world where crossing boundaries has become a routine, Cultural Intelligence, also known as shorthand CQ for Cultural Quotient, has become a vitally important aptitude and skill. Research has […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 8 2021
  6. Top 10 HR Induction Templates for Onboarding New Employees in the Company Successfully

    Top 10 HR Induction Templates for Onboarding New Employees in the Company Successfully

    Data suggests that 30 percent of new hires leave their job within the first six months.   Along with other reasons, a hostile or difficult onboarding experience can be the major contributing factor that causes this poor employee retention rate. When a new employee joins your company, it's essential to ensure that they settle in the team and […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra December 5 2023
  7. Best PowerPoint Templates for Creating Annual Reports for Investment Clubs

    Best PowerPoint Templates for Creating Annual Reports for Investment Clubs

    A vital aspect of business growth is the continuous and regular reporting on the status of its operations and performance. Among other reports, the annual report is an essential tool to keep tabs on a firm's performance. The yearly reports are helpful to gather insights into a company's internal strengths and weaknesses. It also allows […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra December 14 2023
  8. Las 10 mejores plantillas de hojas informativas de una página de la empresa para presentar una descripción general eficaz del negocio

    Las 10 mejores plantillas de hojas informativas de una página de la empresa para presentar una descripción general eficaz del negocio

    Presentar un resumen comercial de su empresa es el comienzo de cualquier conversación comercial. Ya sea para dar la bienvenida a un nuevo profesional a su empresa, tratar con un nuevo cliente o acercarse a un nuevo inversor, ¡una descripción detallada de la empresa es imprescindible!   Es comprensible que mostrar los detalles de la empresa de forma repetida hace […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 28 2021
  9. Top 10 One-Page Bootstrap-Vorlagen zum Erstellen benutzerfreundlicher und reaktionsschneller Websites

    Top 10 One-Page Bootstrap-Vorlagen zum Erstellen benutzerfreundlicher und reaktionsschneller Websites

    In einer digitalen Welt, in der alles über das Internet vermarktet wird, wird es für Organisationen und Unternehmen unerlässlich, ihre Websites zu haben, die ihre nicht geteilten Räume sein können. Tatsächlich deuten Untersuchungen darauf hin, dass die Marke, die weltweit am besten abschneidet, auch dafür bekannt ist, ebenso hervorragende und reaktionsschnelle Websites zu haben. Das […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 28 2021
  10. Top 10 One-Page Bootstrap Templates for Creating User-friendly and Responsive Websites

    Top 10 One-Page Bootstrap Templates for Creating User-friendly and Responsive Websites

    In a digital world where everything is marketed on the internet, it becomes imperative for organizations and enterprises to have their websites which can be their unshared spaces. In fact, research suggests that the brand that performs best worldwide is also known to have equally excellent and responsive websites. This means that if any business […]
    Nidhi Malhotra Nidhi Malhotra July 28 2021

Items 11 to 20 of 43 total