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Covid 19 template powerpoint presentation slides


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Introducing COVID 19 Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This professionally created complete deck is made up of 76 PPT slides. All the templates are 100% adjustable. You can customize font, text, background, colors, and patterns. This PowerPoint slideshow supports standard and widescreen formats. You can also view it on Google Slides. Convert or save the PPT format into PNG, PDF, and JPG.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1: This slide introduces COVID 19 Template. State your Company Name and begin.
Slide 2: This slide highlights the Coronavirus COVID19 World map with Global Epicenters that are U.S., Italy, China, Iran, South Korea, Japan.
Slide 3: This slide talks about the symptoms of Novel Coronavirus COVID 19, such as Dry Cough, Fever, Respiratory Diseases, Shortness of breath, or fatigue.
Slide 4: The purpose of this slide is to showcase the Coronavirus Graph with Healthcare System Capacity and Number of Cases with or without social distancing.
Slide 5: This slide shares the Coronavirus Effect on Global Supply Chain.
Slide 6: This slide is to help you determine and display the COVID 19 key Statistics for Showing the Total number of Cases.
Slide 7: This is another slide to go into details of the Coronavirus Virus Disease 2019 Symptoms.
Slide 8: This slide informs you about the COVID 19 Global Epicenters Countries, including America, Italy, Spain, and China.
Slide 9: This slide is designed to study the Coronavirus Global Stats Showing Active Cases and Total Number of Cases.
Slide 10: This slide displays the Coronavirus Global Impact and Stats Dashboard for North Atlantic oceanEuropeAsiaAfricaSouth America, Indian Ocean, South Atlantic ocean, North America.
Slide 11: The following slide illustrates the COVID 19 Dashboard Showing Top Impacted Countries and Global Stats, including mortality rate, recovery rate, new cases, globally confirmed cases.
Slide 12: This slide is for COVID 19 Key Global figures and Graph depicting active cases, currently infected patients, MD conditions, deaths, recovered and closed cases.x
Slide 13: This slide provides information on the Global Pandemics declared by WHO and COVID 19 and Spanish Flu, i.e., Small Pox, Measles, Influenza, Yellow fever, Bubonic Plague, Cholera, Malaria, Plague, Ebola, SARS, HIV/AIDS.
Slide 14: This slide particularly exhibits the Coronavirus Disease 19 USA Statistics Dashboard.
Slide 15: This slide particularly displays the Coronavirus Disease 19 China Statistics Dashboard.
Slide 16: This slide highlights the Coronavirus Disease 19 Italy Statistics Dashboard.
Slide 17: This slide incorporates the USA Map Showing Outbreak of Coronavirus in various parts like Washington, California, New York, New Jersey, Florida.
Slide 18: This is a slide that includes COVID 19 Icon Showing Crown-shaped Virus.
Slide 19: This is a slide showing a Man Coughing Icon to depict the Spread of COVID 19.
Slide 20: The purpose of this slide is to track the Coronavirus spread using the Timeline of Virus.
Slide 21: This slide contains a well-structured Coronavirus Symptoms Label Diagram to show its Symptoms.
Slide 22: This slide talks about the Global Coronavirus Age-wise Fatality Rate and its key takeaways.
Slide 23: This slide gives a detailed Coronavirus Disease 19 Country-wise Testing Per Capita.
Slide 24: This slide cautions the audience about coronavirus by illustrating a Woman Wearing Repertory Protective Mask.
Slide 25: This slide displays the COVID 19 Virus with a Crown-like Membrane.
Slide 26: This slide is for highlighting the Multiple COVID 19 Pandemic Virus with Eye.
Slide 27: This slide cautions the audience about coronavirus by illustrating a Woman Wearing Repertory Protective Mask.
Slide 28: This slide informs about the to-dos for Coronavirus safety with Hand wash Image.
Slide 29: This slide explains the global outreach of the coronavirus pandemic.
Slide 30: This slide informs about the to-dos for Coronavirus safety with the Mouth Guard Sign.
Slide 31: This slide cautions the audience about coronavirus by illustrating a Person Holding N95 Coronavirus Repertory Protection Mask.
Slide 32: This slide displays the COVID 19 Virus with Pink and Blue Membrane.
Slide 33: This slide informs about the to-dos for Coronavirus safety with Person Holding Coronavirus Temperature Testing Device.
Slide 34: This slide informs about the to-dos for Coronavirus safety by displaying Women Holding Hand Sanitizer for Protection against COVID 19.
Slide 35: This slide illustrates a Doctor Holding Stethoscope and N95 Repertory Protection Mask.
Slide 36: This slide elaborates on the Four Major Coronavirus Disease 19 Transmission Stages that are: Stage 1- Cases imported from foreign countries Stage 2- Local transmission through affected people Stage 3- Spread to a larger population Stage 4- Disease is turned into an epidemic and spreads over the whole nation Cases.
Slide 37: This slide further delves into Six Major Phases of the COVID 19 Global Pandemic that is: 01. No circulation of infection from animal to human 02. Animal virus causes infection within a human 03. Animal virus causes a small cluster of diseases within human 04. Human to human contact causing community outbreak 05. Country to the Country transmission through travel 06. Human to human spread outside of two countries
Slide 38: This slide mentions the Coronavirus Disease Impact Over Technological Industry Shipment.
Slide 39: This slide dives into the Global Coronavirus Impact on Countries GDP and the Q1 2020 new estimate.
Slide 40: Global Coronavirus Impact on Global Stock Market 40
Slide 41: This slide shows the negative impact of Coronavirus on Over the Global Aviation Industry, such as the Decline in International flights.
Slide 42: This slide illustrates a Man Wearing PPE and Spraying COVID 19 Medicine.
Slide 43: This slide provides you with Key Coronavirus Disease 2019 Facts regarding its Transmission and Prevention Methods.
Slide 44: Coronavirus Disease 19 Impact on Customer Conversion Growth of Multiple Industries
Slide 45: This slide analyzes the Coronavirus Contagiousness in comparison to Other Epidemics.
Slide 46: This slide acquaints you with the Preventive Measures for Coronavirus Disease 2019 like - Washing hands for 20 seconds, Avoiding touching face and month, Avoiding close contact, Cleaning the surface regularly, and Using a face mask while coughing or sneezing.
Slide 47: This slide mentions the Symptoms, Differences, and Similarities Between Cold Flu and Coronavirus.
Slide 48: The following slide shows the Coronavirus Disease 19 Preventive Measure and Symptoms.
Slide 49: This slide illustrates the COVID 19 Crown Shaped Pink Virus.
Slide 50: This slide illustrates a Doctor Wearing Coronavirus Respiratory Protection Mask.
Slide 51: This slide illustrates a Man Wearing COVID 19 Personal Protection Equipment.
Slide 52: This slide shows the Coronavirus Disease Blood Test tube with Positive results.
Slide 53: This slide is for displaying the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Case Fatality Rate.
Slide 54: This slide particularly focuses on the Affected Age Group in America due to Coronavirus.
Slide 55: The following slide exhibits the America Map Showing Coronavirus Disease 2019 Affected Age Group.
Slide 56: The following slide draws the SARS Coronavirus Label Diagram with RNA, Spike Protein (E), Membrane glycoprotein (M), Nucleocapsid protein (N), and Envelope protein (E).
Slide 57: This slide outlines the COVID 19 Virus Labeled Diagram with Membrane, Protein Spike, RNA, Envelope protein.
Slide 58: This slide outlines the detailed Coronavirus Labeled Diagram withSpike (S), Membrane (M), Nucleocapsid (N), Envelope(E), Hemagglutinin esterase (HE), and RNA.
Slide 59: This slide outlines the detailed Coronavirus Labeled Diagram withSpike (S), Membrane (M), Nucleocapsid (N), Envelope(E), Hemagglutinin esterase (HE), and RNA.
Slide 60: This slide displays the Label Diagram of Novel Coronavirus with Spike glycoprotein(S), Envelope small membrane protein (E), Hemagglutinin - Esterase (HE), Nucleoprotein(N), Genomic RNA, Membrane protein (M).
Slide 61: This slide incorporates the Infected Lungs showing Coronavirus Disease Icon.
Slide 62: This slide highlights the SARS- COVID 19 Icon showing Virus Membrane Crown.
Slide 63: This slide shows the Coronavirus Test Icon with Test Tube and Virus.
Slide 64: This slide highlights the Hand Sanitizer Icon showing Preventive Measure for Coronavirus.
Slide 65: The following slide showcases a Doctor Wearing Personal Protective Equipment as a precaution from the Coronavirus.
Slide 66: The purpose of this slide is to give an introduction to additional slides.
Slide 67: This slide introduces a coffee break in between for a breather.
Slide 68: This slide displays the combo chart for your products.
Slide 69: This slide exhibits the Bar Chart for comparison of your products.
Slide 70: This slide introduces your company's agendas in an organized manner.
Slide 71: The following slide displays the Timeline to carry out a project efficiently.
Slide 72: This slide conveys the various goals of a company or its projects.
Slide 73: This slide shows the Idea Generation process.
Slide 74: This is a slide demonstrating the Venn chart for focusing on the interrelationship between various elements.
Slide 75: This slide draws a distinct comparison between male and female users.
Slide 76: This is a Thank You slide with contact, address, and email details.

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  1. 80%

    by Damian Stevens

    Use of different colors is good. It's simple and attractive.
  2. 100%

    by Byrne Cruz

    Wonderful templates design to use in business meetings.
  3. 80%

    by Doyle Andrews

    Easily Understandable slides.
  4. 100%

    by Maureen Dumlao

    Cool presentation

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