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Marketing KPI Dashboard To Measure Cost Per Conversion Rate


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This slide signifies the key performance indicator dashboard to track and evaluate cost per conversion. It includes KPI such as advertisement budget, clicks, ads impressions line chart and rate. Presenting our well structured Marketing KPI Dashboard To Measure Cost Per Conversion Rate. The topics discussed in this slide are Advertisement Cost, Conversion Impressions, Cost Per Thousands Impression, Dashboard To Measure Cost, Coat Per Click. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

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    by O'Brien Parker

    I faced no difficulty while searching for the slide I wanted. Honestly, the website’s interface is easy to use and can be navigated easily!
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    by Delmer Black

    I never had to worry about creating a business presentation from scratch. SlideTeam offered me professional, ready-made, and editable presentations that would have taken ages to design.

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