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The SlideTeam Blog All About PowerPoint, Presentations & Life

Deepika Dhaka

232 posts
Jan 24 2022

I am a professional B2B, B2C writer specializing in Management (Marketing & Human Resources). With my in-depth research, on-site experience, and knowledge, I create valuable and engaging content that converts readers into loyal customers. I am a passionate blogger who spends much of her leisure time reading and writing about health, wellness, and life.

  1. 12 diapositivas imprescindibles para estructurar una encuesta de satisfacción del cliente

    12 diapositivas imprescindibles para estructurar una encuesta de satisfacción del cliente

     ¿Estás en proceso de lanzar un nuevo producto o servicio y quieres saber qué opinan tus consumidores al respecto? Después de todo, el cliente es el rey y su felicidad debe estar en lo más alto de la lista de todas las organizaciones. En consecuencia, debe existir un procedimiento —encuesta de satisfacción del cliente— para […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka March 12 2022
  2. 10 Best Bill of Sale Templates for a Smooth Transfer of Ownership

    10 Best Bill of Sale Templates for a Smooth Transfer of Ownership

    If you have ever purchased or sold an asset or a property, you must be already familiar with the concept of a bill of sale. But what exactly is a bill of sale, and how can one authenticate and verify it?   A bill of sale is a must have document when you sell or […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka July 20 2023
  3. 12 Must-Have Slides to Structure a Customer Satisfaction Survey

    12 Must-Have Slides to Structure a Customer Satisfaction Survey

    Are you in the process of launching a new product or service and want to know what your consumers think about it? After all, the customer is the king and their happiness should be on the top of every organization’s list. Consequently, there should be a procedure—customer satisfaction survey—to know their opinion.    Also, without […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka March 8 2022
  4. Les 10 meilleurs modèles de confidentialité des données pour atteindre vos objectifs de conformité

    Les 10 meilleurs modèles de confidentialité des données pour atteindre vos objectifs de conformité

    « Si vous mettez une clé sous le paillasson pour les flics, un cambrioleur peut aussi la trouver. Les criminels utilisent tous les outils technologiques à leur disposition pour pirater les comptes des gens. S'ils savent qu'il y a une clé cachée quelque part, ils ne s'arrêteront pas tant qu'ils ne l'auront pas trouvée. – […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka March 7 2022
  5. Os 10 principais modelos de privacidade de dados para atingir suas metas de conformidade

    Os 10 principais modelos de privacidade de dados para atingir suas metas de conformidade

    “Se você colocar uma chave debaixo do tapete para os policiais, um ladrão também pode encontrá-la. Os criminosos estão usando todas as ferramentas tecnológicas à sua disposição para invadir as contas das pessoas. Se eles souberem que há uma chave escondida em algum lugar, eles não vão parar até encontrá-la.” – Tim Cook, CEO da […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka March 3 2022
  6. Top 10 Data Privacy Templates to Achieve Your Compliance Goals

    Top 10 Data Privacy Templates to Achieve Your Compliance Goals

    “If you put a key under the mat for the cops, a burglar can find it, too. Criminals are using every technology tool at their disposal to hack into people’s accounts. If they know there’s a key hidden somewhere, they won’t stop until they find it.” – Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO   The responsibility of […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka April 6 2022
  7. Las 10 mejores plantillas de informes de trabajo mensuales para aumentar su tasa de participación

    Las 10 mejores plantillas de informes de trabajo mensuales para aumentar su tasa de participación

    ¿Alguna vez ha estado en una situación en la que su desempeño fue excelente durante el mes, pero sus informes del mismo fueron terribles? A pesar de ser apreciado por sus sorprendentes objetivos, fue criticado constantemente por los informes mensuales desordenados.   En caso afirmativo, debe haber pensado varias veces: ¿qué podría haber salido mal? […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka March 2 2022
  8. 11 Best Stress Management Plan Templates to Build a Stronger Workforce [Free PDF Attached]

    11 Best Stress Management Plan Templates to Build a Stronger Workforce [Free PDF Attached]

    Stress at work is inevitable. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stress is the "health epidemic of the 21st century,” more widespread than ever. And it’s no surprise that work is the leading source of stress. More than 70% of people blame deadlines, tight schedules, heavy workloads, and poor management techniques, causing them anxiety. […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka April 3 2023
  9. 10 Best Key Learning Templates to Establish Clear Goals [Free PDF Attached]

    10 Best Key Learning Templates to Establish Clear Goals [Free PDF Attached]

    It's no secret that learning is necessary for success, and it allows us to progress and keep up with the constantly evolving world. To be successful, individuals must continue to learn and stay ahead of the curve. However, the problem arises when finding the time or enthusiasm to learn new things turns challenging for many […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka March 23 2023
  10. 10 Best Shipping Templates to Expedite Global Trade

    10 Best Shipping Templates to Expedite Global Trade

    Shipping is the lifeblood of global trade, and a massive fleet of commercial ships enables this continual movement of products. With over 90% of international trade occurring across oceans, it's no surprise that the shipping business is crucial to the world's economy. But what many people don't realize is how complex and diverse the shipping […]
    Deepika Dhaka Deepika Dhaka February 28 2022

Items 221 to 230 of 232 total