As the world crawls back to normalcy in a post-Covid world, healthcare reforms are foremost in everyone’s mind. Even if we gloss over any criticism of the global response to the pandemic, an unshakeable consensus has emerged; healthcare, post-Covid, needs to be better, by leaps and bounds, and not just see any incremental improvement.


As always, there is hope today that this is achievable and another Covid-like scenario will have the planet fare visibly better. The answer is, of course, newer technologies and ways of life. Technology evolves exponentially in times of crisis. The pandemic certainly spurred technological advancements that gained remarkable speed to solve newer and more complicated problems.


Is Blockchain the Future?


Blockchain is one such technology that significantly altered the landscape of healthcare affairs and ushered in a new, wonderfully miraculous era of medical care.


As a business (no matter what it is), healthcare has to be your concern.  With the Covid experience teaching us that individuals also matter in healthcare, every entrepreneur NEEDS to be in step with how patient care is changing with the arrival of a decentralized and (more) secure system. No top management can ignore your and my well-being, no matter how far it thinks it is from the healthcare business. After all, even its employees and customers are prone to the same risks. Health is, thus, your business whether you designed your venture for it or not!


SlideTeam brings you The Comprehensive Training Course on Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry. It offers your audience the following benefits, primarily in a B2B context. They will:


  1. Realize the significance of blockchain technology’s impact on healthcare and learn to acclimate to the changes it brings.
  2. Improve patient care and information security through the application of blockchain in hospitals.
  3. Gain hands-on experience with blockchain healthcare applications by the end of the training; understand how lifestyles and businesses are changing because of it.


Trainers can download the content-ready complete deck here and be ready to prepare the new (and current) generation of healthcare workers for the future. We end the training with our standard format of:


  • Key Takeaways
  • Let’s Discuss
  • Let’s Test What We Have Learnt


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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Session I: Overview of the Healthcare Industry


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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As we ready the trainees for this technological journey, we provide a broad overview of the healthcare industry. We showcase industry trends, such as the explosion in telehealth, the shift toward value-based care, and more. The domain areas within the industry are presented as well. These are insurance, pharma, supply chain, health records, and credentials provider (we discuss these in detail in Session III).


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We present the challenges this industry faces to bring this introductory session to an end and usher in a conversation on how blockchain has (already) impacted healthcare in Session II.


Session II: Blockchain Impact on Healthcare


Most healthcare professionals might, understandably, be unfamiliar with the fact that blockchain in healthcare is not a future event for which they are being prepared. It is a significant asset in the industry even as we speak (or write and read), and they are right in the thick of things (within the nick of time, of course).


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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In Session II, we look at this data through visually-presented statistics and showcase blockchain’s impact on healthcare.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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We discuss and base our argument on data on blockchain use cases, such as patent records, patient indices, claims adjunctions, and more, to underscore the reality of blockchain’s existence in today's healthcare. We then switch over to how blockchain has influenced healthcare with a focus on its domain areas in Session III.


Session III: Blockchain Impact on Healthcare Domain Areas


In Session III, we focus on five domain areas within the healthcare industry, namely, healthcare insurance, pharma, drugs & devices supply chain, health records & data exchange, and credentials provider.


In healthcare insurance, we expand on smart contracts usage, a client-centric application process, and look to improve the accuracy of provider directory, among other concepts.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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In the corporate Pharma domain, we provide insights into the innate ability of blockchain to generate or inspire trust. We discuss compliance management, task automation (for efficiency improvement), better transparency, and more.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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The Covid-19 pandemic brought the supply chain issue to the forefront. In this domain, we inform the trainees how blockchain can and has been providing innovative solutions to supply chain delays. Solutions, including cost reduction, error elimination, trust in transactions, and more, are detailed.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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Patient privacy is one of the healthcare industry’s most valued tenets, and blockchain shines here due to its decentralized and tamper-proof nature. We present how blockchain provides a simplified approach to data, masters system interoperability, manages patient data, and more.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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Speaking of trust again, blockchain allows for an excellent credential system that ensures safe and secure provider and payer credentialing. Increased confidence between patients and providers is a natural result.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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With a few use cases presented in Session II, we wish to provide add hands-on experience to the training by looking at case studies in Session IV.


Session IV: Case Studies

What better way to learn about blockchain applications in the healthcare industry than through actual applications in use today? In Session IV, we present the trainees with five case studies: Supply chain transparency, patent-centric electronic health records, smart contracts for insurance and supply chain settlements, medical staff credential verification, and a look into the Estonian healthcare system.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


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Each case study is a slide on the organization’s problem and the solution that blockchain provides.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


Access our Course on Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Here


With an understanding of what blockchain in healthcare looks like, we have saved the best for last in Session V. “How do trainees implement blockchain in their organization?”


Session V: Blockchain Implementation Process


The fear of blockchain’s complexity lingers on, no matter how well it is studied. This is why we have created a single step-wise slide on the implementation process for blockchain technology in a healthcare organization. It is a guide as well as a relief to the anxiety that the trainees might be feeling.


Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry Training Ppt


Access our Course on Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Here


With Session V, we conclude the training course. We go through a recap of the training with the key takeaways and open the floor for discussion and questions. We hope this course educates and entertains your audience and prepares these healthcare professionals to better adapt to blockchain applications in their organizations.


FAQs on Blockchain Technology Applications in Healthcare Industry


How is Blockchain used in healthcare?


Blockchain technology can revolutionize healthcare by enhancing data security, interoperability, and patient privacy. Here are some ways blockchain is used in healthcare:


  1. Medical record management: Blockchain can securely store and share medical records, giving patients complete control over their health data. Medical records stored on the blockchain can be accessed only with the patient’s consent and cannot be altered without their authorization.
  2. Drug supply chain management: Blockchain can help track drugs through the supply chain from manufacturer to patient, reducing the risk of spurious drugs.
  3. Clinical trial management: Blockchain can provide a transparent and secure way to manage clinical trial data, ensuring its integrity and accuracy.
  4. Health insurance claims: Blockchain can streamline claims by reducing fraud and increasing transparency, allowing faster claims processing and lower costs.
  5. Telemedicine: Blockchain can enhance telemedicine by providing a secure platform for remote consultations; enabling the transfer of medical records and other data between healthcare providers.


How is blockchain technology transforming the healthcare industry?


Blockchain technology transforms the healthcare industry by providing enhanced security, interoperability, and patient privacy. Here are some ways blockchain transforms healthcare:


  1. Secure sharing of medical records: Blockchain technology enables secure sharing of medical records between healthcare providers, patients, and researchers. Medical records can be stored in a decentralized manner on the blockchain, and patients can control access to their data using encrypted keys.
  2. Improved supply chain management: Blockchain can track the supply chain of drugs and medical devices, reducing the risk of counterfeit drugs and improving patient safety. The technology provides an immutable record of each transaction, ensuring transparency and traceability. Explore our supply chain management ppt now
  3. Faster and more efficient claims processing: Blockchain can streamline the claims process by reducing fraud and errors, resulting in faster and more efficient health insurance claims processing.
  4. Enhancing clinical trials: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent record of clinical trial data, improving data quality and reducing the time and cost of clinical trials.
  5. Improved interoperability: Blockchain technology can enhance interoperability between healthcare systems and devices, enabling the secure sharing of data and improving patient outcomes.


Which blockchain is best for healthcare?


Many blockchain platforms can be used for healthcare, each with strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of the popular blockchain platforms used in healthcare:


  1. Ethereum: Ethereum is one of the most popular and is often used in healthcare applications due to its smart contract functionality, which enables the automation of specific healthcare processes. It is also highly-customizable and supports a wide range of decentralized applications.
  2. Hyperledger Fabric: Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source enterprise blockchain platform designed for networks. It provides a modular architecture, making it a perfect fit for healthcare applications.
  3. Corda: Corda is a blockchain platform specifically designed for enterprise use cases, including healthcare. It is highly scalable and allows for the creation of networks, making it suitable for healthcare applications that high security and privacy levels.
  4. Quorum: Quorum is an enterprise blockchain platform based on Ethereum designed for private transactions. It is highly customizable and provides a range of privacy features.
  5. EOSIO: EOSIO is a blockchain platform for high-performance decentralized applications. It provides fast transaction speeds and scalability, making it suitable for fast and efficient data processing, a vital healthcare need.