Make your marketing so useful, people will pay you for it, said Jay Baer — Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker 

What is a Regional Marketing Plan?


Albeit growing globalization, localization still matters for startups, SMEs, and even big businesses. 


A regional marketing plan involves devising, implementing, and monitoring strategies to integrate a defined geographical location's preferences and competitive conditions. 


When it comes to brand marketing in today's neck-throat competitive world, the world isn't flat. Companies that crave to perform well in different geographies need to swiftly learn each region's values, dialects, and purchasing habits. 


And, this is even more relevant for brands that rely on a franchise model or branch offices — as these places depend on local knowledge and word-of-mouth. 


Right from Google Ads to billboards at city centers, buyers always wish the advertisements to be tailor-made According to "Where They Live" or "Where They Are at Present."


Example of a Successful Regional Marketing Campaign- Kit Kat in Japan


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In Japan, KitKat is known to fetch good luck. How? The term KitKat sounds similar to the Japanese's celebrated phrase "Kitto Katsu." 


KitKat started marketing itself as a good luck charm to upsurge its sales in the East Asia nation. 


Japan has a tradition of sending "Good Luck" cards to students for their new school year. 


So, KitKat launched a fascinating campaign. Customers can print a personalized message on the chocolate wrapper and send it to loved ones to communicate their emotions and affection — via Japan Post.


Example of Another Popular Regional Marketing Campaign - Nike in London

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US-based sportswear brand Nike collaborated with Wieden+Kennedy — a global, independent agency with headquarters in Shanghai, China in 2005 — to craft a London-centric campaign.


Wieden+Kennedy came up with a set of Ads that epitomized the essence of being a young sportsperson in the capital of the United Kingdom and a slogan, “Nothing Beats a Londoner.” They had London-born celebrities to promote the brand to aspiring athletes and real sports lovers in the city.


The local Nike campaign bagged outstanding recognition in local publications. The campaign won several awards at Titanium, Cannes Lions, and Grand Prix.


The online searches for the sportswear products of Nike products across London soared to 93%, according to Lyst  — a worldwide renowned fashion search platform.


How to Draft an Effective Regional Marketing Presentation?


Via Giphy


When proposing a new regional marketing campaign or local initiative, marketing wizards have to pitch their plan to the company’s board of directors or client by giving a powerful presentation to convince. 


Besides confidently speaking in front of a group, several essential tips go a long way in engaging your audience and driving the message home. 


Read on as we enlist fourteen tips to help you create a regional marketing presentation that is both effective and engaging.

Slide 1: Start With the Mission, Vision, and Values of The Company

First up, dive into describing your company’s mission, vision, and values. Since the theme of this presentation is the regional marketing plan, you need not explain in detail— use short and sweet one-liners to get the point across. 


Avoid adding graphs in this slide, as they will contribute to unnecessary distractions.


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Slide 2: Seize Your Audience’s Attention with Company’s Marketing Objectives Slide

Present a vivid picture of your company's marketing objectives with a well-thought-out slide. It is vital that the slide contains all the critical information but not too much text. 


Divide the company's marketing objective slide into four sections.


The different sections are Corporate Objectives, Regional Marketing Objectives, Regional Marketing Strategies, and Regional Marketing Tactics. 


Corporate Objectives could be "Generating This Much Sales by the End of 2021," whereas Regional Marketing Objectives may be "Increasing the Company's Market Share" in a specific region. 


The Regional Marketing Strategies for achieving the objectives could be focusing on "Product Range of High Margin Items," and Regional Marketing Tactics may involve running "Online Local Advertising Campaigns."


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Slide 3: Reveal the Yearly Sales of The Company

Yearly Sales of the Company are an inescapable component of every business presentation. It presents an overview of how your different products are performing in the market.


Demonstrate the performance of your products over the past three years from a bird-eye view using bar graphs.


The key insights can be transformed into actionable strategies that drive measurable results. For instance, product 1 sales have increased by merely 10% in the past three years.


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Slide 4: Give a Glimpse of Competitive Analysis of the Product

Competitive analysis of your product is an effective way to figure out the strengths and current position in the market. It lets you analyze the current demand for your product and facilitates you to plan appropriately to outperform your market rivals.


Numbers are hard to deduce from 20ft-far. Therefore a visual graph demonstrating the market competition would be exciting to keep your audience awake during the presentation.


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Slide 5: Explain the Regional Target Market

Here, you have to introduce the various regions your company will be targeting. Compare these regions in terms of their market share in dollars and percentages. 


The pie graph drafted with the percentage market share makes it easy to interpret the numbers while presenting the regional market plan.


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Slide 6: Demonstrate the Customer Market Segmentation

In marketing I've seen only one strategy that can't miss - to market to your best customers first, said, John Romero— An American director, designer, programmer, & developer 


The customer market segmentation groups existing and potential customers based on four aspects, such as :


  • Geographical Segmentation


Location, Language & Climate.


  • Demographic Segmentation


Age, Gender, Income & Ethnicity.


  • Behavioral Segmentation


Occasions, Usage Rate, Loyalty/Usage History & Benefit Sought.


  • Psychographic Segmentation


Interests, Opinions, Beliefs & Values. 


If the customer market segmentation is not well-framed, you cannot expect measurable results from your marketing efforts. 


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Slide 7: Present The Regional Market Potential Growth Analysis

The Regional Market Potential Growth Analysis is a tactical tool to forecast the growth of your company's different target regions over the next five years.


With this knowledge, your company can draw up a tailored marketing strategy for each region — decide how much to invest, based on the region's growth potential.


The projection graph simplifies the numbers to put forth how each region will perform in the coming years.


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Slide 8: Regional Marketing Objectives & Strategies

Marketing objectives are a brand’s goals. The strategic and clear marketing objectives would provide clear direction to the entire marketing team.


Outline your marketing objectives, and explain what your strategies will be to achieve each objective.


Similarly, strategies are defined for each objective to avoid any confusion. For instance, objective one is to “Develop Strong Brand Awareness,” and strategies include “Featuring Products in the Local News” and spending “$3,00 Monthly on Instagram Advertising.


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Slide 9: Regional Marketing Distribution Channel Strategy

The Marketing, Distribution Channel Strategy slide presents a comprehensive overview of how you will be disseminating your products to end-users.


Most companies opt for distribution methods to reach different consumer bases.


For example, the company is targeting prospective buyers via Telesales, business partners, and direct marketing.


The strategy is well-defined under each distribution channel, along with deal size, sales cycle, and offers.


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Slide 10: Defining The Regional Marketing Promotion Platform

It is one of the most critical slides of your regional marketing plan presentation. Because here, you will be defining the various platforms for marketing your product/service. 


The best product/service promotion platforms include Advertising, Sales promotion, Events/Experience, Public Relations & Publicity, Personal Selling, and Direct Marketing. 


Under each platform, mention what activities you are going to perform. For instance, in Advertising, you will be investing in “Print Ads & Brochures,” and Direct Marketing includes “Email and Telemarketing.


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Slide 11: Give an Overview of Company’s Monthly Regional Sales Forecast

In terms of sales performance, gaining insights into how many sales you expect to generate for each region per month is essential to devise a data-driven regional marketing strategy.


The bar graph is an impressive way to present the monthly sales forecast. And, the other sales metrics in the tabular form aren’t a bad idea.


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Slide 12: Proving a Quick Overview of Regional Marketing Expense Budget

Via Giphy


A monthly regional marketing budget forecast is a method of carefully planning your marketing spending at the beginning of each month and regularly monitoring the performance. 


A  clear-cut comparison table predicting the marketing spending for each month and different target regions would make the numbers interesting to see. 


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Slide 13: Company’s Marketing Monthly Expense Budget Forecast

If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything, said Ronald Coase  — British economist and author.


Monthly Expense Budget Forecast, in simplest terms, is a mechanism to track the costs to the company. The bar graph shows the expenses for different verticals such as websites, travel, public relations and graphic printing during the entire year. 


The monthly expense budget forecast for the next five years empowers marketing managers to keep a tab on the expenses budget.


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Slide 14: Regional Marketing Milestone Plan

Regional Marketing Milestone Plan is a process of explaining how the different milestones will be achieved. It mentions the start and end date along with the budget for each milestone and all regions.


The milestones defined within a regional marketing plan will assist marketing managers in tracking the progress of the company towards the goals.


Drafting the milestones allows the streamlined implementation and monitoring of regional marketing strategies. For example, the sales call campaign will start on 1st February 2021, with a budget of $1, and end on 26th February 2021 for region 1. 


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The Bottom Line


If you're not comfortable with public speaking - and nobody starts out comfortable; you have to learn how to be comfortable - practice. I cannot overstate the importance of practicing. Get some close friends or family members to help evaluate you, or somebody at work that you trust, said Hillary Clinton American politician


The majority of sales and marketing presentations are often dull and unimaginative. However, if you want to break with this tradition, demonstrate genuine enthusiasm and energy. And, this well-prepared template designed by Slide Team will ensure everything goes hassle-free during the presentation.


Use your voice effectively to get the attention when needed by varying your modulation.


Never speak in a monotone, as your audience will lose interest in your presentation by the second or third slide itself.


As a piece of advice, I suggest you record your demo presentation the day before the actual presentation to know exactly how you will sound when presenting the marketing plan and figure out what you lack.