Businesses are inclined to look at the marketplace as only a demand-linked entity. The belief is that if you meet the demand to the customer’s satisfaction you’ll rake in the moolah. 


There is context to this significant headline-grabbing portrayal of demand as the hero. The supply list or supply chain is the basis for marketplace heroics and customer satisfaction. Without a well-fed supply list/chain in place, all businesses plans are for naught.


Even bellwethers like Apple are prone to disruptions in supply chains. To know more about supply chain strategies, please access SlideTeam's best-in-class templates with a click here.


It is critical to be aware of supply chain mechanisms and how to keep improving these over time. To this end, SlideTeam has curated PPT Templates to help you design your unique supply list to keep the flames of demand burning. The aim is to ensure a mastery over supply chain concepts and being a business success. 


The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.


Let's explore these templates now.


Template 1: Supply Chain Infographics List-Down Manufacturing Process

Supply chains or lists are vital to business, howsoever simple they may look. This seven-step supply chain from the supplier to the buyer (both inclusive) reminds businesses to return to the basics. Things move from supplier to outbound freight forwarder to export customs to carrier to import customs to inbound freight forwarder, before finally reaching the buyer. At each stage, the wonderfully-done icons serve as a reminder of what each step adds to the value chain. Use this presentation template to illustrate your expertise in supply chain infographics, business, management, and marketing. Download this illustration of a list-down manufacturing process now. 


Supply Chain Infographics List down Manufacturing Process


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Template 2: Supply Chain Infographics Listing the Steps in Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing business has always involved channel stages that must work together to ensure business success. This supply chain infographic template illustrates how businesses transform raw materials into final products that reach the consumer after raw materials reach the suppliers. After the supplier, the manufacturer, and the distributor takeover, these help the product get to the retailer, from where the consumer buys the product. Remember that the supply chain is always more than the sum of its parts, as this presentation template illustrates. Download now to see excellence in action.


Supply Chain Infographics Listing the Steps in Manufacturing Process


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Template 3: Supply Chain Infographics Listing Main Steps in Vendor Management

The Achilles heel of any supply chain is always the vendors who might make unreasonable demands. For instance, vendors sometimes demand excessive 'fee' for stocking your product. Hence, vendor management becomes crucial to ensure the reach of your product or service. This presentation template demonstrates the five steps in vendor management, starting with the consolidation store preparation of each vendor and ensuring that you give each what they want. Vendors are cajoled or even lured into ensuring your supply chain is disruption-less. Download now to tide over recurring vendor management issues. 


Supply Chain Infographics Listing the Main Steps in Vendor Management


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Template 4: Six-Step List of Supply Chain Management Process

Businesses that plan for the future need to incorporate the supply chain as the bedrock of their business planning. They follow a six-step process that starts with procurement. Use this PPT presentation to move from procurement to supply chain planning to supply chain strategy. After these three significant steps, this presentation template demonstrates how you can treat asset management as part of your supply chain management process. Finally, understand the role of logistics planning in ensuring that your product or service has a smooth journey from the raw material to the consumer. Impress your clients with your expertise in time management using this actionable PPT slide.


Six List of Supply Chain Management Process


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Template 5: Supply Chain Infographics Listing Eight Different Steps of Management

Many business concepts depend on a supply chain's success and smooth functioning. A well-functioning chain of command ensures businesses can focus on critical concepts. These eight-stage infographics show how good entrepreneurs plan their distribution to ensure profits. Then, the requirement is also done after due analysis and management to ensure that the process is under adequate control at every stage. Use this presentation template to illustrate to stakeholders how a supply chain comes together in logistics management, akin to ensuring last-mile connectivity. Get it now with a download and secure a win for your supply chain.


Supply Chain Infographics Listing Eight Different Steps of Management


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Template 6: Achievement List For Multiple Supply Chain Departments

A successful supply chain can never be built with just an individual’s effort; it requires coordination across departments, with significant inputs from inventory, logistics, delivery, and purchase departments. The heads of these departments can use this presentation template to illustrate how they contribute to building that perfect supply chain brick by brick. The achievement list allows departments to list three talking points each, though, as always, this structure is customizable according to requirements. Download this perfect achievement list template now.


Achievement list for Multiple Supply Chain Departments


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Template 7: Quarterly Manpower Requirements Listing By Departments to Fulfil Demand and Supply

No supply chain can function without adequate and quality workforce. Use this PPT Presentation to ensure all critical departments that work to fulfill demand and supply are adequately staffed and can get your supply chain rolling at all times. Please list the number of employees required and designation required as well, be it interns or assistants. Other departments to be included in this template are inventory, logistics, purchase, and delivery. The tabular format insurance that you never miss out on critical staffing needs and can deliver on short notice.


Quarterly Manpower Requirements Listing by Departments to Fulfil Demand and Supply


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Supply chains will always remain important, no matter the nature of the business or the kind of inputs needed to ensure their operation. Some businesses also have to move physical assets around continents or countries for purely virtual companies. Hence, a mastery of supply chain management is indispensable to business success with the help of supply chain management ppt. Another kind of list or chain that contributes to businesses being more efficient is the inventory list — access world-class inventory templates with a click here.



FAQs on Supply Lists



How to write a supply list?


A supply list is solicited from your business departments at regular, periodic intervals to ensure nothing is left to chance when the time to ship comes. It starts with the purchasing department, which makes the orders for raw materials, kick-starting the supply chain process. Other departments also contribute to helping right the perfect supply list that misses nothing with excellent communication of their needs. For instance, the marketing department might ask for adequate air time to be bought at the time of the expected release of a product. Such detailed planning ensures you can write a professional supply chain list.


What are the four types of supply?


Supply is about meeting market demand while ensuring optimum price discovery and realization. Customer satisfaction is also to be secured through better supply pipelines. The four major types of supply based on parameters and how producers behave in response to market forces are market supply, short-term supply, long-term supply, and composite supply. 


In market supply, we refer to the total amount of a goods or service makers gaining revenue from different prices over a fixed time. Short-term supply means current supply, and long-term means available goods when everything going into production changes. Under composite supply, individual items cannot be segregated; a main article decides the supply of other ancillary goods and services.


How to make a supply list?


Listing at scale and at huge numbers can be a considerable challenge. Then, you must ensure you have done a proper inventory check and decide what you need. Writing everything required cannot be overemphasized, or you will miss something with the quantity mentioned. Choose or determine the condition in which you need the items. Do they have to be brand-new? 


At this point, conduct a review of the list and see whether it can be shortened. Then, see where the suppliers exist for everything you wish to have. If you are a bargain-hunter, this step could be beneficial. Finally, buy what you need and refrain from adding extra. Whether it is a simple home-office supply list or a major car manufacturer looking for something, the process involved and the basics remain the same.