Do you know enough about your competition? Sure, you do! But do you know you have got 5 more new competitors in the market? Did you know your competitor’s revenue of last 3 years? Do you know about your competition’s strength and weaknesses? DID YOU KNOW YOU HAD CONDUCTED COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE MONTHS AGO? Of course, you could not. Because you did not have enough information to do so, got occupied or did not care enough.


You just cannot race blindfold if you want to win. Know your competition inside out. Whether you are positioning or repositioning, you need to be ahead of your competitors. Knowing your competitors and understanding their strengths are the two most important things in the business world.


Competitive landscape is done to identify the competition, analyses their strengths and weaknesses and how can the business be improved as compared to the competition.


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Conduct competitive landscape using these 11 templates:


  • Identification:




This template will help you prepare a list of your competitors. You can divide the competitors under categories like national and international competitors, substitutes and new entrants. This way you will know who are new and whom do you need to pay more attention to.


  • Comparison- Based on Criteria:

Comparison - Based On Criteria



Compare your competitors in terms of revenue, profit, market share, product quality and more. You can list down the competitors names and jot down the above-mentioned points. You can figure out which one of your competitors is at the top by just looking at the template. You can always go back and change their numbers as per their position in the market.


  • Competitor Positioning:

Competitor Positioning



Position your competitors in terms of their market share. Analyse their market growth using above template. You need to analyse competitors gaining in terms of market share and analyse their successful strategies. Circles with alphabets are your competitors. You can move the circles as per the need.


  • Competitor Revenue and Profit:

Competitor- Revenue & Profit



Analyzing competitor’s revenue helps in measuring your own progress and growth.  Of course, you can’t know the real numbers but at times you do. Thanks to the annual audit reports given to the investors (if your competitors are public companies). However, it is not a rocket science to figure out your competitor’s revenue. Put down those number in the given template and measure their growth as compared to yours.


  • Competitor Analysis:

Competitor Analysis



Assess your competition’s performance based on sales and revenue. Compare your competitor’s sales together in a template. Look at their sales development yearly and evaluate their growth.


  • Knowledge on your Competitors:

Knowledge On Competitors



Numbers and sales alone are not enough while analyzing the competition. Know them inside out such as their products, services, quality, strategies, prices and more. These will help you plan your strategy against them.


  • Internal/ External Competitor Portfolio Analysis:

Internal External Competitor Portfolio Analysis


Assess your competition based on market share, product, finances and staff. Write down their strengths and weaknesses on your observation and rank your competition accordingly.


  • Sales Performance of Competitors:

Sales Performance Of Competitors



Track your competition’s sales growth using the above template. Follow their progress and growth yearly. You can also be a part of it. Write down yours and their sales figures and compare your growth with them.


  • Market Segmentation:

Market Segmentation


Know who are your competition targeting? This slide is of a market segmentation where you can dig more details about your competition such as their target audience and its demographics such as age, gender, income and so on.


  • Competitive Advantage:

Competitive Advantage



This slide showcases what competitive advantage does your competition have. Mention the points you think why they outperform your company or organization. Based on those points you can assess what do you need to work on to get ahead of your competition.


  • Overview of Main Competitors:

Overview Of Main Competitors



Have an overview of your competitors. Above template explains if your competition is a market leader or a niche competitor. Is the new competitor a challenger? This way you can figure out who all are your real competition in the market.


So here it ends. You can get access to the complete deck of a competitive landscape framework.



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Assess your competition on regular basis using these professionally designed templates.