BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, Toyota, Lexus, and many more are automobile companies that share a project case study before launching a new car. This case study helps the team and shareholders understand why they will build the car, what strategies will be used to manufacture it, how they can make it better than its prior model, and many other relevant questions.


However, while showing these points, they always require a powerful tool to prepare their reports quickly. Hence, SlideTeam has developed professional PowerPoint slides that focus on preparing professional case studies.


The Importance of Project Case Study Templates


  • Facilitating Comprehensive Understanding


Our PowerPoint templates help businesses communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand tone to their audience. Furthermore, they assist teams in presenting the information in an accessible and engaging way.


  • Enhancing Engagement


Every PowerPoint template has charts, graphs, and timelines to attract viewers. Furthermore, these elements help to break down complex information in an easy format.


Click here if you want to show your case studies in a concise manner for your business.


Where are SlideTeam's Templates Applicable?


  • Technology and IT


These PowerPoint templates can display software development lifecycles, implementation strategies, and the technological impact on end-users. Furthermore, users can display the challenges and solutions that happened during the project.


  • Communications


Companies can use our PowerPoint templates to portray their communication strategies and how they succeeded in their field.


  • BFSI


Our presentations can be used to detail financial product launches, policy updates, or regulatory compliance measures. Moreover, you can display the project's success and the company's adherence to industry standards.


  • Agriculture


These PowerPoint frameworks help communicate complex data related to crop yields, resource savings, or economic impact in a professional manner to the key stakeholders.


Prepare the best-case study reports using our PowerPoint frameworks.


Why Businesses Should Use SlideTeam's Templates?


  • Ease of Use and Professional Aesthetics


SlideTeam has a complete team of industry experts who develop the presentation in such a manner that users don't need to put much effort and can generate a professional presentation. You can drag and drop the content, images, themes, and many more elements as per your requirements.


  • Comprehensive and Customizable


SlideTeam's templates are comprehensive, covering various project types and industries. We offer a variety of layouts and designs. This variety ensures that every project's unique story can be told in the most effective way possible.


Develop professional case studies using our PowerPoint layouts.


Let’s begin!


Template 1: Project Management Case Studies PowerPoint Deck

Our PowerPoint deck helps you develop professional project management presentations that attract your audience's attention. It provides various PowerPoint slides showing different case studies. This deck starts from the Sydney Opera House construction slide, which shows basic details such as project name, background, budget, and timeline; at the major level, it shows project objectives, scope, stakeholders, success factors, and challenges. The second slide presents the Panama Canal expansion presentation, which presents the project overview, challenges, strategic approach, objectives, and outcomes. The third PPT is related to the Apple iPhone development, which depicts the company's information, results, challenges, and implemented solutions. Hence, our complete deck will provide you with new project management ideas that you can use in your business.


Top 10 Project Case Study Templates with Examples and Samples


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Template 2: Uber Disruptive Business Model Project Management PowerPoint Theme

Our PowerPoint Template will guide you in preparing the complete project management case on Uber. The presentation is divided into different segments that your audience can understand. The first section is an overview, which can be used to provide brief information about the company. You can show project phases, including the development of the business model, launch and marketing test, expansion in new markets, consistent innovation, and service improvement. The next section is outcomes, which provides ample space to show the continued market expansion into new segments, enhanced goodwill, and valuation growth.


Uber disruptive business model project management


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Template 3: Hybrid Project Management Approach PowerPoint Layout

Our PowerPoint Theme has the capability to show a hybrid project management approach. You can display the company background briefly. It will help you depict strategies that can be used for this model. These strategies are integrated tools (backlogs and financial budgets), Gantt chart (project planning, deciding deliverables, selecting milestones, and defining timeline), Kanban boards (module integration and tracking task status), strategies (advance planning, integrating latest software, training & software, consistent status review). Furthermore, the impact can be highlighted in a simple manner that your audience can understand.


Case study Hybrid project management approach


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Template 4: Insurance Company Case for Agile Management Practices PowerPoint Preset

Our PowerPoint Theme will assist you in easily preparing a case study on an insurance company. The challenges and solutions are shown differently so that your stakeholders can go through the points and comprehend them. Under the heading of challenges and requirements, you can show customer demand to reduce market time, difficult targets to achieve, and the presence of a rigid environment. Under the heading of the solution, you can display the adopted scrum framework & agile development tactics to reduce project duration, introduce effective management practices for faster delivery, and provide training to adapt to a new environment. Additionally, results have a separate box in which you can input bullet points.


Insurance company case for agile project management practices


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Template 5: Adopting Agile Approach to Improve Project Team Performance PowerPoint Slide

Our PowerPoint Template can provide professional ways to show an agile approach to enhance project team performance. First of all, you can briefly input the company's overview. Furthermore, it will help you display company solutions, such as team formation, scrum framework adoption, time-boxed sprints, consistent feedback, and employee recognition. Now, this company's solutions are divided into two sections, which are issues (low turnover rate, bad time management, compromised quality due to limited resources, and lack of collaboration and communication) and impact (quick response towards market dynamics, improve employee engagement, and enhanced communication that develops positive culture).


Case study Adopting agile approach to improve project team performance


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Template 6: B2B Conversion Consulting Firm Project Case Study with Status PowerPoint Theme

Our PowerPoint Preset shows a simple presentation regarding a B2B conversion consulting case study. You will see three pillars in the presentation, which are dedicated to context, approach, and results. Under context, you can display a scenario about a B2B company that is looking for solutions to a problem. The next heading is approach, in which you can mention the strategies to defeat the problem. The last section will help you depict the results, which is also an important section for stakeholders. 


B2B conversion consulting firm project case study with status


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Template 7: Successful Security Token Offering Project Case Study PowerPoint Framework

Show your blockchain capabilities through our PowerPoint Preset. The PPT starts with an overview section, in which you can mention the company's achievements and basic details, such as the company's founded year. Furthermore, there are different sections in which you can input data related to how much the company has raised, features, and return on investment (ROI) generated for the stakeholders. Overall, this presentation can show the information in an easy format.


Successful Security token offering project case study blockchain capital


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Template 8: Successful Security Token Offering Project Case Study for Lottery PowerPoint Theme

Our PowerPoint Layout will help you show information about the lottery company. The PPT begins by providing the overview, in which you can brief your stakeholders about the lottery company. There are different sections for the foundation year, amount raised, features, and return on investment (ROI) generated. This presentation is perfect for those professionals who want to depict the project management case study of a lottery company.


Successful security token offering project case study Lottery


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Template 9: Successful Security Token Offering Project Case Study on Polymath PowerPoint Theme

Prepare the best presentation on polymath using our PowerPoint Template. This PPT has a simple format, which initiates by providing an overview in brief about the company. There are several sections developed for you to input information. These sections are the company foundation year, amount raised by the company, features provided by the company, and return on investment (ROI) given by the company to its stakeholders. Lastly, this presentation can help you prepare content in an easy format for your audience.


Successful security token offering project case study Polymath


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Template 10: Successful Security Token Offering Project Case Study for a VC PowerPoint Template

Our PowerPoint Theme captures the working of a venture capitalist company in a subtle manner. Start the PPT with a brief overview of the company in which you can mention the important points on which the organization operates. Moving further, you can highlight various aspects of the company, such as the founded year of the company, the amount raised by the organization, features, and the amount of return on investment (ROI) generated.


Successful security token offering project case study spice VC


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Prepare Professional Case Studies with our PowerPoint Layouts


In summary, use our PowerPoint frameworks to help you deliver the best case study. Furthermore, you can communicate the information to your audience and attract them to your topics. Moreover, our presentations are filled with customizable features, which can help you develop better case studies in less time.