Setting goals is an inevitable part of business operations and it is the foundation of a successful company. Do you know how companies encourage their employees to attain their goals? This is where short-term incentives prove pivotal in improving employee performance. Short-term incentives are the most widespread compensations apart from salary, which enhances the intrinsic feeling of accomplishment and morale in a business and reduces employee turnover rate. 


Short-term incentives (STIs) are not perks but part of the reward package provided to an employee for reaching an enterprise's short-term goals and strategies. These are not temporary perks. So, business organizations make short-term incentive plans carefully by considering elements of the needed compensation strategy to maximize employee satisfaction and engagement while achieving specific business goals.


In the traditional business environment, short-term incentive plans were reserved for only a particular group of employees in an organization. In recent years, however,  an increasing number of businesses have applied these to job levels as an important segment of talent attraction and retention strategy. This plan has become popular due to its ability to align the goals of the employees with the company's short-term strategy.


Explore our Compensation Package Templates to recognize and announce the total compensation for your employees without any hassle.


These meticulously designed PowerPoint Templates help drive performance and motivation among the workforce. These layouts are designed with high-quality images, visuals, graphics, etc., to showcase your expertise. You can easily tackle multiple topics using this slide deck consisting of twelve slides, providing a birds-eye view while keeping your audience engaged.


Check out SlideTeams's PPT templates to draft outstanding short-term incentive plans to boost employee performance.


Want to engage and motivate your employees efficiently? Look at SlideTeam's Employee Incentive Templates to choose the most effective plan.


Let’s explore!


Template 1: Strategies to Formulate Short-term Incentive Plans for Employees

In this fast-paced business world, enterprises are looking for strategies to gain competitive advantage. It may be through talent management, technological advancement, customer engagement, and more. However, short-term incentive plans or annual incentive plans are the most influential levers for boosting employee productivity. Let this slide prioritize this annual incentives plan and portray specific strategies to formulate plans for boosting employee performance and retention. It contains tactics such as employee retention, a definition of employee goals, and employee motivation with appropriate symbols. The idea is to provide a clear definition of the strategies along with action steps and impact.


Strategies to formulate short term incentive plan for employees


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Template 2: Department-wise Short-term Incentive Plan

Use this PPT Template to provide an overview of the departmental plan. It includes a table framework highlighting department-wise short-term incentive plans used by organizations for evaluating reward packages for employees on a short-term basis. Show the available categories, frequency of the reward, name of the awardee, and the department of the employee who is to be awarded. Types of incentives (premium and difference, pay for units produced, and individual-based bonuses and awards) are provided in a step-by-step process to implement a productive incentive plan. Grab it right away and ensure clarity about departmental short-term incentive plan-related information.


Department wise short term incentive plan


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Template 3: Process to Create Short-term Incentive Plan

From goal setting to performance measurement, our content-enriched PPT Templates help you implement a successful plan. The plan should be aligned with organizational objectives to promote a high-performance culture in an organization. Deploy our custom-built PPT preset to highlight significant points such as the establishment and purpose of incentives, the administration of eligibility and participation, the determination of awards and frequency, the termination of eligibility or employment, etc. Each point is illustrated with its purpose, which gives the audience a clear insight into the process stages. Download this slide and create an informative presentation to influence your managers to opt for a perfect plan.


Process to create short term incentive plan


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Template 4: Short-term Employee Incentive Budget Plan

Outline the rewards and privileges that your company wants to provide to your employees with our organized PowerPoint slide deck short-term employee incentive budget plan. This slide depicts short-term incentives, amount, recipient, department, schedule, and budget per incentive, to assist enterprises in organizing their expenditures for short-term incentives and the correct time to provide rewards to the employees. It is helpful in providing ideas about different incentive plans like overnight pay, night shift, weekend shifts, attendance bonuses, referral awards, seniority awards, etc.


Short term employee incentive budget plan


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Template 5: Short-term Incentive Plan for Future Leaders and Employers

This PPT Template showcases short-term incentive plans for future leaders and employers. It includes formulation of a short-term incentive plan and evaluation of the same on the basis of certain assumptions for future lead employees. This template contains assumptions like annual employer contribution to the company, living expenses, annual interest crediting rate, vesting schedule, etc., with some numerical data attached in a table. Use the data displayed in the table to evaluate the total benefits given to the employees and vice-versa in monetary terms.


Short term incentive plan for future leaders and employers


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Template 6: Survey to Identify Short-term Incentive Plan Results

Discover how business organizations use short-term incentive plans to retain the best talent, standardize compensation, motivate employees, and run business operations smoothly with this pre-made PPT Template. This infographic contains survey details of a company to identify the most effective plan, along with feedback from employees. Survey details like questions asked to the employees, number of satisfied and dissatisfied employees, and key takeaways are shown with precision to make your audience take an interest in it. Get it today and prepare a proper survey results presentation to select a robust plan as per your company’s requirements.


Survey to identify short term incentive plan templates


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Template 7: H.R. Short-term Incentive Program for Enterprise

This PPT framework is beneficial in providing short-term incentive plans to your employees based on criteria to attract skilled and talented employees. It depicts short-term incentive plans, including annual incentive plans, spot awards, profit-sharing plans, group incentive plans, and project-specific awards, with suitable icons to provide a clear idea about the topic. Get it now and capture your audience's attention.


HR short term incentive program for enterprise 


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Short-term Incentive Plan: The Most Versatile Reward


The short-term incentive plan is a must-have due to its flexibility, short performance cycles, and wide variety. Considering the unpredictable and rapidly changing labor market, this plan is a valuable tool that every company should use to enjoy the benefits. Our PPT Templates help you retain your employees alongside aiding strategic goals, enhancing their performance, and rewarding them.


PS Understand and manage the complexities of the incentive program through our Incentive Templates.