“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker, globally renowned management consultant and educator. 


These words from Peter Drucker perfectly summarise project management narratives today. The scale and complexities in project management are on the rise. It has evolved way beyond managing certain tasks and is now more of a process to lead projects toward innovative outcomes. Additionally, teams are distributed farther from each other, at a greater distance than ever. The result is lack of effective communication, misalignment of goals and project failures. In fact, a KPMG survey has found that 70% of organizations have suffered at least one project failure in the prior 12 months. 


That's why effective project communication using simplified and data-rich project status reports is attaining popularity. As technology advances rapidly and market dynamics shift, decision-making must be quick. But to do so, the decision-makers need a clear overview of the project's status in a much-simplified manner. 


Solution? Well-designed, aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-understand presentations! At SlideTeam, our experts have designed engaging project status report templates at Slide Team. Team leaders and planners can use these templates to quickly share critical data and information with their leadership. Each template is 100% editable and content-ready, so the optimization takes minutes. With impactful icons, visuals and graphics, these templates can simplify even the most complex data for a seamless decision-making process. 


Let's take a look at those templates one by one.


Template #1 Weekly Project Status Report PPT Template Bundles

IT Project management teams are always flooded with heaps of data. Compiling such data is challenging, and presenting it simply is even more complex. Thanks to this template, project managers can easily sort and present data in a digestible and easy-to-understand format. It allows project managers to present a holistic view of project health across verticals, from software development to digital marketing. Such a suite of slides can be a game-changer for IT companies that have to deal with multiple projects at a time. Each slide contains elements like Project Overview, Timeline and Schedule Management, Task Breakdown, Budget and Financials, Burndown Chart, Risk and Issue Tracking and Project Performance metrics. 


Weekly Project Status Report


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Template #2: Executive Project Status Report Timeline Resources Milestones Goals Deliverables

One of the primary challenges for project management is the swift assessment of project components like timelines, resources, milestones, and goals. A cluttered or complex report can obscure key insights and lead to missed opportunities and ineffective decision-making. This template breaks down the resource allocation and offers a view of whether the project can meet its objectives. The template highlights each milestone; the deliverables are also laid out clearly with their status. The template also has a status indicator for each issue, such as 'open' or 'closed', alongside the project components' health, like 'under control', 'healthy', or at risk'. 


Executive Project Status Report


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Template #3: Monthly Project Management Status Example of PPT

Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date project overview is complex. Project managers struggle with how can they present information that highlights schedule, budget, resourcing, risks, and benefits. Created to distil multi-pronged information and heaps of data into a simple, visual format, this template is a great starting point. It ensures a project's critical aspects are covered in an understandable format. Each section – Schedule, Resourcing, Budget, Risks, Issues, and Benefits – is accompanied by a traffic light indicator. This provides an immediate visual cue of the status. The text field ensures the viewers get the context and critical information without drowning in jargon. 


Monthly Project Management Status


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Template #4: Project Status Presentation One-Pager Presentation Report Infographic

Stakeholders seek concise and insightful updates on project progress. For project managers, the challenge is to represent massive information like the project objectives, project status, finances and the risks involved in pithy one or two liners. The presentation has to be lucid and, simultaneously, should not miss out on any crucial data set. That’s where this template can prove its worth. This one-pager consolidates project metrics into a single streamlined document. It allows project managers to present a snapshot of the project's health across multiple dimensions. It covers the project statement and status indicators across software design, budget, IT resources, quality, and risks, each with colour-coded status icons for instant recognition. The project timeline provides a Gantt chart view. The financial section compares planned versus actual spending with a clear variance indication. The risks and issues are presented with pie charts, offering a proportionate understanding of the prevailing concerns.


Project Status Presentation One Pager


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Template #5: Project Status KPI Dashboard Snapshot showing Completed Tasks and Task in Progress

Project managers must monitor and communicate key project performance indicators or KPIs across stages. This PPT Template provides a summary of project performance and gives a clear idea about the state of completed, in-progress, and not-started tasks. Such a crisp snapshot is crucial for prompt decision-making. The three segments of Completed Tasks, Tasks In Progress, and Not Started Tasks act as vital indicators. The apt color-coding indicates the level of completion. This detailed layout prioritizes tasks based on urgency and importance, essential for effective project triage. The gauges provide a dynamic visual cue and instantly communicate progress without deep analysis. In short, this template allows micro-management without losing sight of the overall project goals.


Project Status KPI Dashboard Showing Completed Tasks…


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Template #6: Multiple Project  Progress Status Report Template

This PPT Template covers all data points needed to provide a snapshot of the project status reports within a B2C enterprise. At the dashboard's core is the 'Program Health' indicator, a visual cue reflecting the state of projects. Then there is the 'Portfolio Trend', which shifts focus to the directional trend of the project collective. It hints at whether things are moving positively or if there are concerns to be addressed. It also covers a crucial element of every project: financing! The 'Actual Spend vs. Budget' is a vital metric that showcases how things are rolling regarding project financials. At the same time, the 'At Risk Projects' counter keeps the team aware of the projects that need immediate attention. Overall, this template is a great document that can help manage multiple projects single-handedly, within deadline.   


Multiple project progress status report template


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Template #7: Multiple Project Management Dashboard with Risks and Issues Status

Project management update and risk management are vital parts of any project management strategy. With this PPT Template, project managers share a holistic view of active projects. This dashboard combines essential KPIs, progress indicators, and critical metrics to facilitate informed decision-making. With a clear view of timelines, context, progress reports in percentage and attractive doughnut graphics, understanding the project's status is easy. A vital dashboard section compares planned versus actual hours, a critical measure of efficiency and time management. Risks and issues associated with each project are categorized by severity. This is vital for prioritizing managerial focus and resources.


Multiple Project Management Dashboard with Risks and Issues Status


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Template #8: Project Issues Tracker Sheet with Category and Status

Efficient project management means that issues are identified and categorized based on their status. Such categorization makes it easy for the team to tackle them. This template is designed to give project managers and teams a clear, organized framework to monitor and address issues. The crisp layout, simple structure and attention to detail like issue descriptions, categories, statuses, due dates, assignees, and additional comments for context, make it a perfect choice for teams and project managers. The colour-coded status column provides immediate visibility into the state of an issue, enabling teams to prioritize their efforts — red for 'open' issues needing immediate attention, green for 'closed' issues that have been resolved. 


Project Issues Tracker Sheet with Category and Status


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Template #9: Project Status KPI Dashboard Showing Schedule and Alignment

A project running off schedule can lead to higher costs, resource mismanagement, and even a project failure. Using this template, however, you can avoid this problem. This project status report template can help leadership keep a real-time check on critical aspects of project health. This PPT Template helps leaders track resource allocation and use, schedule adherence, strategic alignment, and risk assessment. It provides visual cues through gauges that indicate the status of the project's schedule, alignment with business goals, and associated risks. This ensures the leadership does not miss out on any critical components that can impact on-time project delivery.  


Project Status KPI Dashboard Showing Schedule…


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Template #10: Agile Sprint Dashboard  Snapshot with Defective Project Status

This template represents project defects, their status, and their impact on the project timeline in an aesthetic, visual manner. It gives project managers an edge as they understand the health of the sprint and allocate necessary resources efficiently to tackle high-priority issues. The template covers components like 'Defects by Project', 'Defects Cycle Time', 'Status Defects, ' and 'Defects by Team'. Each of these defects can be explained with crisp and informative text. Finally, the 'Total Defects over Time by Priority' graph focuses on which defect must be tackled immediately for efficient project completion.


Agile Sprint Dashboard with Defected Project Status


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Projects, no matter what industry, tend to attract some issues! However, the true skill of project managers and team leaders lies in identifying and presenting project status reports clearly in front of stakeholders. When stakeholders and decision-makers have a clear idea about the project status, they can take proactive steps to nullify issues and bring the projects back on track. If you are a project manager or team leader, these templates ensure your projects run on time.